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I'm just your average guy with a love and passion for wine. I enjoy touring and tasting as well as collecting wines. My current cellar sits around 350 bottles which fluctuates dependent on occasions and if I find a bargain. My preference for drinking as you will discover as this blog grows is to big bold Shiraz, Tempranillo, Sangiovese and the occasional Rosé on a summers day. Although they are the wines I love I definitely appreciate all wines and give my descriptions/recommendations based on the quality and taste of the wine not based on my personal preference to the grape variety, I will drop my opinion in there to help those few out who simply want to be told good or not good. Good luck with your purchases and I hope I can help. Happy drinking.

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Vinaceous 2010 Sirenya Pinot Grigio

Ok for something different, this label just jumped out at me when I was at the bottle shop looking for a Pinot Gris or Grigio for as previously stated something different. Didn't end up as I'd hoped but I thought I'd share anyway.

Relatively closed nose to what I expected from what I'd read, spice and pear are in the background but nothing to write home about. The palate is dominated by racy acidity with chemical undertones, the finish is canned pear and bitter stone fruit which some may find enticing.

Basically all I get from this wine of notability is acidity and not quite what I expected from a Pinot Grigio. If you like highly acidic vino with a light fruit finish then maybe this is for you.

I can't really see any proper reviews or ratings but for me 6 is a push I'm tempted to say 5 but the concept, labelling and website get this wine points.

It's available at most good merchants and at $20 is not to much wasted if you enjoy it as little as I am. www.vinaceous.com.au is worth a visit and if you hit up the facebook page it looks as if they will give you an idea of where to purchase it.

In summary I expected more from this Adelaide Hills Pinot Grigio and was a little let down. I'm seriously looking forward to trying the rest of this producer's range however as the concept I like, the winemaker I like and overall just cause 1 of the wines hasn't grabbed me doesn't mean the others are all bad too. Good luck with this one and happy drinking.

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