About Me

I'm just your average guy with a love and passion for wine. I enjoy touring and tasting as well as collecting wines. My current cellar sits around 350 bottles which fluctuates dependent on occasions and if I find a bargain. My preference for drinking as you will discover as this blog grows is to big bold Shiraz, Tempranillo, Sangiovese and the occasional Rosé on a summers day. Although they are the wines I love I definitely appreciate all wines and give my descriptions/recommendations based on the quality and taste of the wine not based on my personal preference to the grape variety, I will drop my opinion in there to help those few out who simply want to be told good or not good. Good luck with your purchases and I hope I can help. Happy drinking.

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2008 Wallace by Ben Glaetzer Barossa Valley Shiraz Grenache

Deep dark crimson purple from a short distance this wine looks black in the glass but on closer look is absolutely beautiful, long thick legs the colour clings to the glass as you swirl it. From a standard glass I found this wine to be quite closed on the nose but in my Riedel glass with a good swirl it opens up and is quite pronounced with rich dark cherries and a jammy sweetness that is very attractive. On the palate this is a very large wine with an absolute richness that to some palates will be simply overwhelming, big dark berry fruit flavours engulf your mouth with a touch of vanilla and a medium length this wine begs you to take another sip. The pleasantly lightly spiced finish leads you into that next sip in search of that fruity goodness.

In short the only way I can describe this wine is that it is moreish for anyone who can handle a big fruity wine. Half way to syrupy it won't please a lot of palates but I think it is simply delightful in small doses. Enjoy this beauty with or without food as it is very easy, scratch that, way too easy drinking.

There is a great write up in 'The Big Red Wine Book 2010/2011' which has become almost a bible for me in the past couple of years and volumes and I recommend any red wine lover take a browse through one of these. 91 from the guys from The Big Red Wine Book and a 94 from James Halliday it's been appreciated across the industry, for me solid 9 - 9.5 out of 10 again in small doses.

The all important test, is this wine good value for money? I paid $21.80 at my local Celebrations and it seems to be around $23 across everywhere else I see it which I think is great value for money, you should be able to pick it up in a discount liquor store like Dan Murphy's for around $19. It also looks as if we have moved into the next vintage of this recently which I will not be shy about trying.

I've liked Ben Glaetzer's wine for a long time now and will be making a point of tasting and adding each of his range to my collection over time. Good luck with this cracka wine and happy drinking.

Crittenden Estate 2007 Pinocchio Sangiovese

It's been a while since I've had time to sit down and do a review and I apologise to followers of this blog for that, but now here I am and with a commitment to try to get 2 done a week dependant on my work loads and drinking patterns. I'm also here with a interesting little wine which to be honest I'm still making my mind up about.

I first saw this wine in a restaurant at pub and purchased a bottle without blinking and also every time we went back to eat, then today as I strolled through my local Celebrations store it caught my eye again and I couldn't resist grabbing a bottle as my fiance really loves it, although upon sampling I fear this is a different vintage to the one we are used to at that restaurant and perhaps from a different region, this one is a Heathcote and the 08 is King Valley.

This wine is fairly attractive in the glass, a light cherry to ruby red with flashes of rust toward the rims it appears quite clear but on further inspection is actually quite opaque, not the only little surprise this wine holds. Almost non existant legs confirming the 13.5% alcohol as per the label. A pronounced earthy nose with dark berries and tobacco as quiet secondary notes lead you to a dry yet overal attractive aroma. Dry grainy tannins engulf your palate, young sour cherry flavours come through with earthy spice on the finish of this light bodied wine with unexpected excellent fruity length. A great representation of this interesting little varietal.

In short a more traditional sangiovese than I had expected when I picked the bottle up. Very dry grainy wine that really won't please a lot of people's palates although if dry is your bag then you'll love this little baby. There is a fruitiness that is very pleasant and great cherry flavours that linger for quite some time.

I've not been able to find any reviews by major critics but the 2008 got an 89/100 in the Gourmet Traveller. I'd really only be able to give this a very generous 7/10 and whole heartedly believe it would have been a lot better a year or so ago and 100 times better with food. Saying that if I can get hold of a 2008 I definitely will give it a shot as I am sure I had a much better opinion of this wine at that restaurant.

At $20 a bottle it wouldn't be that much of an expensive mistake if you wanted to try this out but definitely don't pay any more than that for it and definitely don't rush out and grab a bottle as there is plenty of better ways to spend $20 like perhaps on the 08 vintage. You should be able to get it from the winery directly in its current vintage or www.mywinestore.com.au also keeps stock in minimum quantities of 3 at a time. Expect to pay $35 + in a restaurant.

As always good luck with your purchase decisions, don't let me turn you off this wine completely but perhaps try the 08, happy drinking and good health.