Deep dark crimson purple from a short distance this wine looks black in the glass but on closer look is absolutely beautiful, long thick legs the colour clings to the glass as you swirl it. From a standard glass I found this wine to be quite closed on the nose but in my Riedel glass with a good swirl it opens up and is quite pronounced with rich dark cherries and a jammy sweetness that is very attractive. On the palate this is a very large wine with an absolute richness that to some palates will be simply overwhelming, big dark berry fruit flavours engulf your mouth with a touch of vanilla and a medium length this wine begs you to take another sip. The pleasantly lightly spiced finish leads you into that next sip in search of that fruity goodness.
In short the only way I can describe this wine is that it is moreish for anyone who can handle a big fruity wine. Half way to syrupy it won't please a lot of palates but I think it is simply delightful in small doses. Enjoy this beauty with or without food as it is very easy, scratch that, way too easy drinking.
There is a great write up in 'The Big Red Wine Book 2010/2011' which has become almost a bible for me in the past couple of years and volumes and I recommend any red wine lover take a browse through one of these. 91 from the guys from The Big Red Wine Book and a 94 from James Halliday it's been appreciated across the industry, for me solid 9 - 9.5 out of 10 again in small doses.
The all important test, is this wine good value for money? I paid $21.80 at my local Celebrations and it seems to be around $23 across everywhere else I see it which I think is great value for money, you should be able to pick it up in a discount liquor store like Dan Murphy's for around $19. It also looks as if we have moved into the next vintage of this recently which I will not be shy about trying.
I've liked Ben Glaetzer's wine for a long time now and will be making a point of tasting and adding each of his range to my collection over time. Good luck with this cracka wine and happy drinking.